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Evelyn Rhines was a guest on Black Twin Cities Internet Radio on April 24, 2010. You can listen to her appearance below:

Upcoming Events

Blade, Bike, Run, Walk

1st & 3rd Saturday of Every Month Beginning April 3, 2010


Upcoming Events

Blade, Bike, Run, Walk


1st & 3rd Saturday of Every Month Beginning April 3rd


Location Varies. Please call 612-798-4166 or e-mail cookbookdiet@gmail.com at least 2 days in advance for more information.


10:30 AM to 12:30 PM


The dates are below:

April 3, April 17

May 1, May 15

June 5, June 19

July 3, July 17

August 7, August 21

September 4, September 18

October 2, October 16

November 6, November 20


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