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Evelyn Rhines was a guest on Black Twin Cities Internet Radio on April 24, 2010. You can listen to her appearance below:

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1st & 3rd Saturday of Every Month Beginning April 3, 2010


The release of the CookBookDiet Personalized Meal Plans is here.  You can order your copy now! Click Here to Order the CookBookDiet Personalized Meal Plans Cookbook. If you have any questions you can contact Evelyn Rhines (the author) at 612-798-4166 or via e-mail at CookBookDiet@gmail.com.


Evelyn Rhines was a guest on Black Twin Cities Internet Radio on April 24, 2010. You can listen to her appearance below:

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Click Here to Order the CookBookDiet Personalized Meal Plans Cookbook

CookBookDiet.com is a work in progress! Once completed, this site will offer the meal recipes that Evelyn Rhines used to achieve her dramatic body fat reduction of 93 pounds.  Evelyn followed a structured weight loss plan to shed excess pounds, and you can order or learn more about such a routine by clicking here.  Make sure to tell them Evelyn Rhines sent you.

Evelyn Holding Her Old Large Jeans while Being Trim

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